Friday, 31 May 2019

Objective Type Question on Food Safety-7

Q.No.1. Which of the following factor of food is considered as intrinsic factor from food safety point of view 
(A) Water activity (aw)
(B) Relative humidity
(C) Temperature
(D) Vapour pressure
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Q.No.2. The person suffering from which of the following disease can work inside food processing industry
(A) Diarrhoea
(B) Vomiting
(C) Excessive hair fall
(D) None of the above
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Q.No.3. Which of the following factors contributing to food poisoning
(A) Food prepared too far in advance
(B) Cooling food too slowly
(C) Not re-heating food to high enough temperatures
(D) All of the above
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Q.No.4. Who among the following is most at risk to food poisoning
(A) Elder people
(B) Toddlers, babies, and pregnant women
(C) Individuals who are already unwell
(D) All of the above
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Q. No. 5. The term ‘due diligence’ means
(A) Food is contaminated and not safe to eat
(B) Food is contaminated but safe to eat in due course of time
(C) A food is prepared doing everything to safeguard consumer health
(D) A food is prepared got contaminated and re-processed to remove contamination
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Q. No. 6 Which of the following is correct procedure for storage of food products
(A) Raw material and cooked food can be kept at same place
(B) It is better to keep food product with outer package in the storage
(C) Follow the principle first in first out (FIFO)
(D) Cleaning material such as detergents should not be stored in a separate area
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Q. No. 7. What can be potential hazards in refrigerated storage
(A) Bacterial growth
(B) Cross contamination
(C) Food beyond date marking
(D) All of the above
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Q. No. 8 Which of the following is not ideal regarding the refrigerated storage
(A) Maintain temperatures of 0-5°C
(B) Do not place hot foods directly in the refrigerator as this will cause the temperature of the refrigerator to rise above 5°C
(C) Do not defrost and clean the fridge or freezer box regularly
(D) Do not overload the fridge as cold air needs to be allowed to circulate
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Q. No. 9. Which of the following is not recommended practice related to “Use by dates” in pre-packed food
(A) it is found on high risk foods likely to cause food poisoning
(B) It is a good practice to sell food past its “use by date”
(C) The food should be disposed of immediately once it is past its “use by date”
(D) None of the following
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Q. No. 10. Which of the following is not recommended practice related to “Best before dates” – indicates the date until the food may be in its best condition. .
(A) These usually appear on canned, dried and frozen products
(B) It is NOT an automatic offence to sell products past their “best before dates”, but their quality might be compromised
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
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Friday, 17 May 2019

Objective Type Question on Food Safety-6

Q.No.1. What are the pillars of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) 
(A) economic viability; environmental sustainability; social acceptability; food safety and quality
(B) economic viability; social acceptability; food safety and quality
(C) social acceptability; food safety and quality
(D) economic viability; environmental sustainability
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Q.No.2. Food laws are classified into
(A) Mandatory standards and voluntary standards
(B) Preventive standards and hygienic standards
(C) Safety standards and security standards
(D) General standards and potential standards
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Q.No.3. Which of the following are voluntary standards
(A) Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
(B) The Essential Commodities Act, 1955
(C) The Insecticides Act, 1968
(D) Codex Alimentarius Standards
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Thursday, 16 May 2019

Objective Type Question on Food Safety-5

Q.No.1. How many principles are there in food preservation to keep food safe and stable
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) 6
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Q.No.2. First Principle of Food Preservation states that
(A) Prevention or delay of microbial decomposition
(B) Prevention or delay of self-decomposition
(C) Prevention of damage from insect, pest, rodents etc.
(D) Production of value added products
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Q.No.3. Second Principle of Food Preservation states that
(A) Prevention or delay of microbial decomposition
(B) Prevention or delay of self-decomposition
(C) Prevention of damage from insect, pest, rodents etc.
(D) Production of value added products
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